Message from the President

It is with enthusiasm that I assume the role of president for the 2025-2026 term alongside brilliant colleagues.

After two years on the board of directors, enriched by my volunteer experience in YCPA and working with an inspiring team, I was able to demonstrate my skills in project management, in interpersonal relations and in adaptability to change. Under my presidency, confidence will be the common thread of my program, with three main components: professional confidence, cultural confidence and organizational confidence. 

Professional confidence is based on the continuous development and improvement of skills, as well as self-affirmation in relation to these acquired skills. By mastering specific skills and refining their abilities, one builds confidence in their abilities. This confidence allows them to successfully navigate complex professional environments, take bold initiatives and achieve ambitious goals. To achieve this, I propose setting up a complete training plan, structured in three levels: a discovery level to introduce and demystify various industries, a technical level to deepen transferable skills and know-how, and a level of enrichment focused on continuing education options.

Montreal’s multiculturalism is reflected in the demographic diversity of the YCPA. Many members of our community experience cultural duality, influenced by both their country of origin and their host country. This diversity offers unique strengths and opportunities, and we must capitalize on these differences to expand our network and strengthen our influence. My goal is to connect YCPA to other Asian and non-Asian communities through ambassadors, creating points of connection that unite our stories and mutually increase our influences. This growth will be achieved by building relationships with young groups like the YCPA and with more experienced groups to celebrate and promote our cultural diversity. By uniting these different groups, we will highlight the richness and subtleties of our cultural diversity, thus reinforcing confidence in our paths that reflect our values ​​and our richness. 

Organizational confidence is essential to the sustainability of an institution and is based on transparent, reliable and committed management. A strong alumni network, a competent management team, a robust financial model and strategic partnerships ensure the stability and sustainability of the organization. By serving the community through wellness initiatives and fostering a stimulating environment for innovation, learning and taking bold initiatives, we strengthen this confidence. Thus, an engaged board of directors, overall community support and solid governance practices help ensure the continuity and relevance of the organization.

The integration of these three dimensions of trust will create a solid foundation for lasting relationships, promoting growth, resilience and innovation within YCPA.


Anna Zhang