May 07, 2022
From 5 PM to 10 PM
Our traditional Orchid Ball aims celebrates the Asian heritage and culture, as well as its contribution to the Canadian society.
As we emerge from the pandemic as a new society, with a common experience, the world turns to new guidelines to prioritize the future of humanity. Particularly, the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into decision-making and investment process has reached new heights. Individuals have realized that they have a bigger voice in driving the decision of the society and make more conscious choices as consumers and for their community. It is only with a collective effort of all parties will be able to build the Citizens of Tomorrow who takes ownership of their future. YCPA is committed more than ever to values of sustainability, community and accountability.
In this perspective, we would like to invite you to attend the 2022 Orchid Ball – Citizens of Tomorrow in person which will take place at La Tohu on Saturday, May 7th, 2022, from 5PM to 10PM.
Click here for the booklet of the ball.
We hope to see you soon in person!
Lion Dance Performance
Opening Ceremony
Phoenix Dance
Caoliang - Acrobate
East2West Dance Performance
Salade de vermicelle, légumes croquants, kimchi, arachides, bœuf saignant
Tataki de thon rouge, purée d'edamame au gingembre & sésame, salade de chou crémeuse au Wafu, pickles de carottes , chips de lotus
Magret de canard, chou rouge, endives, carottes glacées au gingembre, jus de viande à la cerise
Litchi , lime sur biscuit au gingembre